Media Monitoring
In PR and Communications it is important to keep track of how your organisation is seen externally. Media monitoring is a way of describing the tracking of topics across a wide range of output, and increasingly this focuses on online and broadcast media output, as well as on social media. Reasons for doing this include
listen out for negative publicity - remembering PR is just as much about pushing the positive as it is about protecting the negative
fast and effective response to crisis handling
measuring success of your campaigns
competitor monitoring and assessment
Media Monitoring is much more than just doing Google Searches and setting up Google Alerts. Parapex Media built up skills in Media Monitoring through the research of stories for helicopter news website and this continues to be the differentiator between that site and its competitors.
Parapex Media provides this service on a retainer basis. Each client has a slightly different package, but this is a typical profile
Response time agreement 08:00 to 18:00 UK Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays
Lower level response time 18:00 to 08:00 UK and through the weekend and public holidays
List of (say 5-10) competitors to monitor across all platforms
List of (say 2-4) industry topics to monitor across all platforms
Report provided daily by email or quicker if company response needed (eg negative publicity, crisis handling)
Contact us for more details, pricing etc