LinkedIn Training
Parapex Media provides social media training in two different formats
For your organisation - we tailor our standard package (see below) to your organisation. Prior to arrival, we have a call with you to understand your marketing targets, ideal customer profile, etc, and then we thoroughly review of your website, social media output, and your organisation’s profile online. These examples are then used on your training day.
Public Training Days - these are held at business airport locations around the UK, and anyone can apply - charged on a per person basis. Lunch is provided.
Training Day Format
Timing - typically 09:30 start and 16:00 finish with 30-45 minute lunch break.
Corporate branding on social media
Overview of social media - "why you do what you do" - understanding what your targets are in using social media.
Leveraging what others do, and thus their networks
Image sources/sizes/quality
Corporate credibility / social proof
Social Networks - for each network (eg LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter)
Audience profile of the network and how that matches your marketing targets
Key features of the network - how they expect you to use it
What to post - styles of post, image size/formats, when to use hashtags, links, mentions etc
Timing and frequency of posting, including "lifetime of a post"
Sharing and engagement of posts - by you and by your network
Analytics and monitoring that over time
Managing comments/responses
Social media advertising/influencers, and what you can get for free
Social Network management
Scheduling tools
Activity monitoring
Social media calendar
How social affects website SEO
The future of social networking
After your training day
Post-visit availability for outstanding queries
We encourage you to follow Parapex Media on LinkedIn, and join the discussion on the Aviation Social Media group on LinkedIn
Contact us for more details, pricing etc